Voici une lettre typiquement yang exemplaire qui redéfinit le sens de l'existence et redéfinit l'ordre des priorités. Il est bien claire pour moi maintenant que ce n'est pas la Source qui orchestre la réunion, puisque dans la matrice originelle, la reconnexion = la réunion, et donc la Source à déjà fait son job. Il est bien claire pour moi maintenant que ce n'est pas ma polarité yin qui va motiver mon yin spécifique à développer son système de croyances yang par appel magnétique. Avant de stimuler mon yin spécifique à générer du flux grâce à mon appel magnétique, il faut d'abord qu'il transmute yang. Il faut d'abord qu'il développe son système de croyances yang pour être apte à générer. Il faut motiver à transmuter yang avant de stimuler à générer du flux. La seule manière de motiver un yin à développer un système de croyances yang, c'est de se porter en exemple. Un yang exemplaire est un yang présent et bavard. Exactement comme le yang souhaite que le yin spécifique soit. On souhaite tous que notre yin spécifique soit présent et bavard, donc il faut lui montrer l'exemple d'un yang qui libère avec sincérité et authenticité. Le yin est tellement confortable dans la matrice falsifiée qu'il n'est pas du tout motivé à transmuter. Le but de cette lettre type est donc de lui montrer le chemin pour être yang et aussi lui montrer qu'il fait fausse route en n'étant que yin.
On ne motive pas un yin à développer un nouveau système de croyances yang, à distance par le canal de la pensée. Ce que tout le monde appel le pouvoir télépathique n'est rien d'autre que le pouvoir magnétique du yin qui magnétise le flux à distance par le canal de la pensée. Il faut que le yang arrête de croire qu'il va faire transmuter son yin spécifique à distance par le canal de la pensée. Tant que le yin spécifique n'a pas transmuté, le yang spécifique ne va jamais rien magnétiser par le canal de la pensée, même s'il a bien développé sa polarité yin pour se régénérer instantanément et sans effort sur la croyance yin qui consiste à se sentir aimé de manière intrinsèque. Non seulement, le yang spécifique ne va rien magnétiser à distance par le canal de la pensée et il va encore moins motiver le yin spécifique à transmuter.
La question qui se pose ce n'est pas "qui" va reprendre contact, mais "quand" reprendre contact et pour dire "quoi" exactement ? Tant que le yang n'a pas transmuté yin, il ne doit pas reprendre contact avec le yin spécifique, puisque tant qu'il n'a pas transmuté yin, le yang est parfaitement incapable d'être un modèle yang exemplaire. Le yang reprend contact quand il a de nouveau bien le sens de l'existence et l'ordre des priorités. Le yang ne reprend pas contact pour donner rendez-vous au yin, le yang reprend contact pour se porter en yang exemplaire et motiver le yin spécifique à transmuter par le processus d'identification. Le yin rêve d'être yang mais pas n'importe quel yang, le yin rêve d'être un yang exemplaire. Le yin ne veut pas s'identifier à un yang perdu dans le vide existentiel ou à un yang dans la dépendance affective. Le yin ne veut pas s'identifier à un yang impuissant et le yang est impuissant tant qu'il n'a pas transmuté yin donc tant qu'il n'a pas trouvé la manière de se régénérer instantanément et sans effort pour rester yang puissant. Le yang se régénère de manière instantanée et sans effort en développant son système de croyances yin, qui consiste à se sentir aimé de manière intrinsèque. Donc le yin ne va pas s'identifier au yang tant que le yang n'a pas transmuté yin.
Le yang ne donne pas rendez-vous au yin spécifique. C'est le yin qui va devoir générer cette envie de revoir son yang spécifique quand il se sentira prêt à libérer des émotions sincères. Tant que le yin n'a pas transmuté, il ne va pas contacter son yang spécifique. Sauf s'il veut se tester et vérifier si le yang spécifique lui donne envie d'être amoureux. Le yin est toujours convaincu que c'est le yang spécifique qui va lui donner envie d'être amoureux, mais non.
Je n'accepterai jamais de revoir mon yin tant qu'il n'est pas capable de générer et de libérer des émotions sincères et authentiques. Il va devoir me prouver qu'il a transmuté yang s'il veut me revoir.

My love,
I am your chosen one. It's from me that you feel truly loved, but you can't love me. You will never be able to love any woman if you do not develop your yang beliefs system. It's not a woman who should make you want to fall in love, normally you have to generate this ability intrinsically before meeting a woman. I was an exemplary yang model at the reconnection, I gave you all the right information for you to develop your yang beliefs system. "Save yourself before trying to save others. Put yourself first." But you magnetized me all my vital flow, from a distance and through the channel of thought. It's unbelievable isn't it ! At the reconnection we ignore how we function in our invisible energetic part. I studied the energetic dynamics between us to survive energetic death and stay alive to fight to be happy. You don't realize that you have a truly magnetic power that is magical and evil, as every innate yin like you. I am innate yang and I generate the meaning of my existence for me as a priority in order to be able to prioritize the couple, without losing the meaning of my existence. When I generate enough for me, I have excess flow generated and that's what you can magnetize without killing me. To be yin is to feel loved by your chosen specific yang and to be yang is generate the meaning of existence and the order of priorities. The order of priorities is : me first to be happy as a couple to be happy with others.
the couple
and then the others at the end, after all.
You are prioritizing the wrong way. :
You put the others first and then the couple and you forget yourself. The two polarities yin and yang are two beliefs systems. As a yang I generate for me first of all, and then I have an excess flow for you. You magnetize this excess flow and that makes me fall in love and makes me want to get into a relationship to ensure my survival through reciprocity. Making a couple is not a whim, it's a necessity to survive after the reconnection. Normally the source orchestrates the reconnection of the energetic duo after the transmutation. Normally the reconnection = the instant union and stable and lasting love. Both are bipolar, both have two beliefs systems that have merged, there is no duality of thought anymore, we think yinyang in one thought. Both generate and both magnetize. Both have meaning in their own individual existence and feel intrinsically loved. But unfortunately we did not transmute before being reconnected ! You look everywhere after me when you found me. I am your specific yang, I am your wife and you don't realize that you found me because you imagine that it's me who must make you want to fall in love. But it's not your specific yang that should make you want to fall in love, it's your yang beliefs system that makes you capable ! I am yang and I generate my own flow, I generate my own self-esteem, I generate my own feelings, feelings that belong to me, sincere and authentic feelings because they are mine ! You don't generate flows, so you don't have the ability to be sincere and authentic. To fall in love is to have your own emotions and sincere feelings magnetized. You don't have a choice to decide if you want to fall in love ! When you are yang and generate and face a magnetic yin partner, you are forced to fall in love ! You do not have a choice ! You don't want to be forced to fall in love, yet that's exactly what you want ! Yes I can force you to fall in love with me, but on two conditions, on condition that I make you my chosen one and on condition that you generate your own sincere emotions.
To generate your own sincere emotions you have to develop your yang beliefs system and then you will be able to fall in love. I was your exemplary yang model to replace your absent model parent. But you emptied me of all the meaning of my existence through the channel of thought. It's unbelievable isn't it ! I have been in a state of energy death for 4 years because you generate nothing and you magnetize all my flow, so I am in the total absence of reciprocity. Generating it takes time and magnetizing it's instant and effortless. I don't have time to regenerate that you have already magnetized everything. It's awful isn't it ! Yet it is real ! Look on the internet for the testimonies of the thousands of dead yang after the reconnection of the energy duo in the falsified matrix, because the yin is an unwitting vampir. I have to fight every day to stay energetically alive. I tell you that you are killing me because you refuse to transmute yang, you refuse to develop your yang beliefs system and you refuse to generate, because it's much more comfortable to magnetize. But don't forget that if it's comfortable for you to magnetize it's because I'm able to painfully generate. You live comfortably on my pain ! Fortunately, I have found the yin beliefs system that allows me not to die of despair. Because you know, when you have the whole meaning of your existence magnetized by a magnetic yin that gives nothing in exchange, you are desperate. I had to transmute yin to instantly rejuvenate myself on the illusion of being loved by you. My yin beliefs system allows me to survive, but not to be happy. It's useless for me to be yin if you generate nothing ! I have nothing to magnetize ! I am yin but I don't magnetize anything because you are not yang. Being yin is almost useless to me, just to survive ok, but my goal is not to survive, my goal is to be happy. I am always in the absence of reciprocity even if I am bipolar. I can survive with the yin beliefs system I developed but I can't be happy if I don't magnetize anything because you don't generate anything. And you don't generate anything because you haven't developed your yang beliefs system. Why don't you generate anything ! How much longer are you going to leave me in this survival mode ? You cannot continue to base the meaning of your life on your unique yin polarity and the flow you magnetize. You can't keep feeding yourself on your vital need to feel loved by others. You need to generate your own flow, generate your own self-esteem, your own feelings, feelings that belong to you, sincere and authentic feelings because they are yours ! Yin wants to transmute yang, he wants to be happy, but he is overtaken by the magnitude of the things to do and to change in his materiality to make the meaning of his existence and the order of his priorities bifurcate 180°.
Giving up all your heroic and sacrificial projects is beautiful in theory but in practice it's inconceivable.
Abandoning all the hopeless losers and giving up trying to save them is too much guilt to bear.
Denying your deep feelings is much easier and much more comfortable than denying everyone around you.
Staying the course of your innate yin polarity is much easier
than radically changing direction to develop a new yang beliefs system in line with your deep feeling.
Consequences, you decide to resign yourself and let your specific yang die ?
The transmutation of yin into yang consists in generating the meaning of his existence for him in priority.
It's very complicated for you to put yourself first since all your life
you depend on your vital need to feel loved in order to survive.
It's very complicated for you to develop the yang beliefs system
because it involves becoming selfish and individualistic, while your whole life is based on the sacrificial posture in the service of the collective,
where selfishness is pejorative and sacrifice is sacred.
You must give up your missionary quest and your sexual quest.
You must let go of everyone around you, all your sacrificial life projects. You must appropriate a new meaning of existence that you had never generated for you as a priority.
This is a huge shift in materiality.
You were shaped to impersonate after the others and to give up your life by donating yourself.
Your yang transmutation involves giving up the responsibility of being the guarantor
of the happiness of an entourage, of a wife, of children, of parents, of patients,
of brothers, of pseudo friends, of the lost and the desperate who matter on you to survive. The yin which must transmute yang will be eaten by shame and guilt.
You must also give up feeding on your vital need to feel loved in order to survive.
You must stop basing your survival on your power of seduction. You must stop feeding on magnetized flow and understand that you can survive on the flow that you generates for you in priority.
It's not the meeting with your specific yang that should make you want to get into a relationship.
This desire must preexist before the meeting and not succeed it.
Do you think it's you who makes me want to be in love? No ! You don't make me want to fall in love with you. I am in love with you, because I am capable of being in love intrinsically, because I am innate yang. And I am in love with you because you are able to magnetize my sincere emotions, because you are innate yin. I'm not in love with you because you're lovable. You are not lovable at all, until you transmute yang. So, I don't need to be lovable for you to be able to love me. You must be able to love me even if I am not lovable. I have to be unlovable for you to practice being able to love me even if I am unlovable. Your ability to love me should not depend on my ability to be lovable. Developing your yang belief system means putting yourself first in order to be able to put you in a relationship. From the reconnection, your priority is to put you in a relationship with me and be happy to be sincerely in love with me. There is no other meaning to your existence. Your priority is to make a stable, harmonious and lasting couple with me. You have nothing better to do in your life now, than to bet everything on your lasting couple for your sincere and lasting happiness. I fight for reciprocity, you fight for your sincerity. There is no other fight worth fighting. In the falsified matrix, the yin pairs up because that's what everyone does, it's a currency for having legitimate sexuality. Yin is in a relationship because that is what is expected of him and he does not want to disappoint anyone. The yin is in a relationship because he imagines that he will be happy in a relationship and that the desire to stay in a relationship will come to him later, one day, when he will be in love. Years pass and yin never experiences the feeling of being truly in love. The yin feels trapped in the couple because it's not its intrinsic choice. Yin adapts to the couple because it has the marvelous faculty of being able to survive in the illusion of being happy. He feels loved, useful for others and sexually powerful and he resigns himself to being happy not to be truly in love. He will never know the ardor and passion of love as the yang experiences it, he just experiences the illusion of being in love. He is in love with the security that the illusion of being loved gives him and that is enough for him to make it his reason for being and the meaning of his existence. The life of resignation is the life of a lambda yin, but you are not a lambda yin, you are a specific yin and more precisely you are my chosen specific yin and I am your chosen specific yang and we cannot be happy without each other. Normally when you kill me you die with me, cause if I'm empty of all my flow you demagnetize and we die together in the falsified matrix. To be magnetic you must maintain your magnetism on the feeling of being loved. If I die because you kill me, you can no longer feel loved and you die with me. I am dead and you are not dead because you have the possibility of surviving on the flow of a sexual yang partner. Normally yang must sexually deny a yin that is not yang, but in the falsified matrix the death of the yang is authorized by the rape of the consenting resigned ignorant yang, framed by the bond of forced marriage which has evolved into a bond of concubinage, libertinage, sexuality outside the bonds of arranged marriage. You live on the account of two yang that you kill alternately. You use me to maintain your magnetism and you use your magnetism to feed on the flow of your sexual yang partner whom you do not feel loved. You need me to feel loved, to be able to feed you on the flow of a yang sexual partner. Can you imagine what processes you use to survive in the falsified matrix? You can no longer lie to yourself and make yourself believe that you are unaware of the way you operate in your invisible energetic part. You can no longer ignore my exemplary yang model to teach you the yang beliefs system and develop your own yang beliefs system. I'm never gonna fade away and shut up because to be an exemplary yang is to be present and talkative Exactly as you will be when you will be yang. I will do everything to bring us together and I will go to the end of the invisible energy world to find you. I will never give up on you, because I will never give up on my happiness. My happiness depends on reciprocity, and the reciprocity depends on you ! You are my priority because my priority is to make a lasting couple with you. will never give up on you because I can't be happy without you. You are unique and irreplaceable. This is a word and a promise of yang. Put my words in your mouth. do a repetitive reprogramming with these words, every day, every morning, every evening, every second, every hour, every minute, every step, every breath, every heartbeat. Ch.
Quelle pugnacité, quel coeur-age. Merci pour ces intimes partages ! J' espère tant l'évolution de ce Yin et que vous ravaliez toutes les flammes en mauvais chemin. ;) & Belle pleine lune !!